Tentang Sekolah Bersama
Sekolah Bersama adalah platform digital berbasis web dan android.
Kami menawarkan administrasi sekolah secara terkomputerisasi yang bisa menghubungkan sekolah (kepala sekolah,guru, administrasi ) sebagai penyelenggara belajar mengajar dengan orang tua siswa.
Orang tua bisa memantau perkembangan anak dalam hal kegiatan belajar disekolah dengan platform berbasis mobbile Apps, dimana didalamya terdapat data kehadiran siswa, nilai niswa, video pembelajaran serta administrasi sekolah dan informasi lain tentang sekolah.
Berita dan Informasi
Berita Sekolah Bersama 3
Dimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been…
Berita Sekolah Bersama 2
Dimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been…
Berita Sekolah Bersama 1
Dimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been…
Apa Yang Kami Tawarkan
Testimoni Pengguna Sekolah Bersama
I thoroughly enjoyed courses from here and hope to expand on my gained knowledge about making apps. The courses as well as the examples are well presented, easy to follow and engaging.
The courses here exceeded my expectations in many regards, especially in the depth of information supplied. In a very non-threatening environment, I learned key principles of design that I can implement immediately.
Excellent content and assignments that build on your knowledge, reinforce, and then expand. I recently secured new employment using PHP and couldn't have done so without the Professional Web Development courses.
I thoroughly enjoyed courses from here and hope to expand on my gained knowledge about making apps. The courses as well as the examples are well presented, easy to follow and engaging.